Maurice A. FitzGerald School - P.S. 199Q
Kujtim Daliposki, Principal
39-20 48th Avenue, Sunnyside, NY 11104
Phone: (718) 784-3431 Fax: (718) 786-1375
School Leadership Team
School Leadership Team
2020-2021 SLT Members
Ms. Allie - DC 37
Ms. Arocena- UFT Chapter Co-Chair
Mr. Caracundo - Parent
Ms. Cohen - CSA
Ms. Connolly - CBO Representative
Mr. Daliposki - Principal
Ms. Dentrone - CSA
Ms. Flowers - Parent
Ms. Khan - Parent
Ms. Loftus - Teacher
Ms. Morales - PTA President
Ms. Oliveras - UFT Chapter Co-Chair
Ms. Patel - Parent
Ms. Secilmis - Parent
Ms. Turbin - Teacher
Ms. Waite - Parent
Comprehensive Education Plan
2020-2021 CEP Goals
Goal 1: By June 2021, there will be a 3 point(s), from 49% to 52% of all students achieving a Level 3 & 4, as measured by NYS Math Exam Results.
Goal 2: By June 2021, there will be a 4 point(s), from 38% to 42% of the Hispanic subgroup achieving at Level 3 & 4, as measured by NYS Math Exam Results.
Goal 3: By June 2021, there will be a 5 point(s), from 48% to 53% of the White subgroup achieving at Level 3 & 4, as measured by NYS Math Exam Results.
Goal 1: By June 2021, there will be a 2 point(s), from 51% to 53% of All students achieving at Level 3 & 4, as measured by NYS ELA Exam Results.
Goal 2: By June 2021, there will be a 2 point(s), from 48% to 50% of the White subgroup achieving at Level 3 & 4, as measure by NYS ELA Exam Results.
Quality Individualized Education Program
Goal 1: By June 2021, to strengthen the quality and implementation of IEPs for All Students with Disabilities (SWD), we will improve IEP Review, Program Service, Report, SESIS IEP Completion Report will increase by 10%, from 80 to 90, as measured by Ensuring that all IEPs aligned across the present level of performance and that the recommended program and services meet the needs of the students.
Goal 1: By June 2021, adults at their school will teach students the skills they need to regulate their behavior (by focusing their attention, controlling their emotions, managing their behavior and feelings) for All Students will increase by 10 point(s), from 75% to 85%, as measured by NYC School Survey.
Chronic Absenteeism
Goal 1: By June 2021, Chronic Absenteeism for Black students will decrease 10%, from 53% to 43%, as measured by Chronic Absenteeism Report.
Goal 2: By June 2021, Chronic Absenteeism for the Hispanic students will decrease 4%, from 20% to 16%, as measured by Chronic Absenteeism Report.
ELL Progress
Goal 1: By June 2021, there will be a .05 increase, from 2.63 to 2.68 of the English Language Learners achieving at ELA Average Proficiency, as measured by the NYS ELA exam.
Goal 2: By June 2021, there will be a .05 increase from 2.69 to 2.73 of the English Language Learners achieving at Math Average Proficiency, as measured by NYS Math Exam Results.
Family & Community Empowerment
Goal 1: By June 2021, Family & Community Empowerment for All Students will increase 3%, from 89% to 92%, as measured by the NYC School Survey.